Friday, 28 December 2018
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Formé Medical Membership, Now ONLINE!
We invite you to learn more about our Medical Membership options and how can you now purchase ONLINE!!!
Go to and get a membership TODAY! For you or someone you know who may need one.
Our Mission, Your Health
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 24
Watch video on YouTube here:
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 24
We had the great opportunity to speak with Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Kenneth Reinhard who provided advice and guidance on how to cope with difficult situations.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Reflect And Reset With Maria & Gina Episode 23
With the thought that one day we will no longer be in this life, it is very important to plan this moment in advance; especially if you have a family.
Amy Gould, Director of Advanced Planning for Fortis Lux Financial, talks about this important topic.
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 23
Watch video on YouTube here:
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Info Session – Formé Medical Membership
No insurance and you don’t know where to go? This show is right for you!
Learn more about our medical membership options.
Our Mission, Your Health!
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 22
Watch video on YouTube here:
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 22
On this episode of Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina, we will discuss the very sensitive topic of sexual preferences. What are the challenges a child faces when they have to confront their parents about their sexuality? What are the challenges parents face when they are confronted with the news that their child is Gay?
We were joined by our dear friend, Nathalie Gravagna, who shared her story about the issues she encountered when coming out to her family!
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Reflect And Reset With Maria & Gina Episode 21
We invite you to learn more about red flags and resources for victims of domestic violence with our special guest, Kym Mc Nair from My Sister’s Place.
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 21
Watch video on YouTube here:
Monday, 26 November 2018
Friday, 23 November 2018
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Monday, 19 November 2018
By: Eva Roszkowski
Community Engagement Manager
Alzheimer’s Association
Eva and her dad Henry
“We will run additional tests to confirm but it seems that your father has Early Onset Alzheimer’s” he said. I was at NYU’s Langone Center, sitting with my dad’s neurologist when I first heard these words. At the time, my father was 56. I was 24. I barely knew how to spell the name of the disease, let alone what to expect. Eight years later I am in the position to share my story and bring attention to the sobering fact that millennials are not as far removed from dementia as commonly thought.
Since my dad’s diagnosis I’ve had to say countless times that “Alzheimer’s is not just a memory disease.” There were a multitude of personality changes that I was not prepared for when my father was in the early stages. His vocabulary changed. He could no longer manage finances or organize personal documents. His logical thinking was severely hindered — I witnessed him cross the street when cars were flying towards him. He was more confused and reticent when it came to expressing himself. He was no longer the man I had known my entire life.
I reached out to the Alzheimer’s Association very early on after my father’s diagnosis was confirmed. The person I spoke to referred me to a support group for caregivers under 30. I couldn’t believe that there were other people my age who were dealing with this, but there were.
Having this disease in your life when you are in the process of beginning your own life is uniquely distressing. The people in my support group were NOT just like me. Some were fresh out of law school, some were accountants, some were engaged, some had just moved to the city and were hundreds of miles from home. But there were also countless parallels to our stages in life: recent graduates, young professionals who were trying to define a career path for themselves, individuals who were preparing to leave the nest, people who were in serious relationships and figuring out next steps. We were in the beginning stages of some very exciting things on the horizon. But we all had Alzheimer’s or dementia in our life that was slowing our momentum.
Some millennials may think that Alzheimer’s is an “old people” disease, or reduce it to being a “memory disease”. Certainly, there is truth in age being the biggest risk factor but it is not the only risk factor to Alzheimer’s. Aside from this general misrepresentation, there is still somewhat of a stigma associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia because we currently have no cure for it and no truly effective treatment avenues. There are drugs available that address the symptoms of the disease, but do not slow the progression of it. Naturally there is fear around this disease because we don’t fully understand the cause of it yet.
The major components of my role at the Alzheimer’s Association are community outreach and community education. In my work, I speak from the heart because I want to see an end to this disease. Additionally, I am the president of our Young Professionals Alzheimer’s Council (YPAC) which is an auxiliary board of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Hudson Valley Chapter. The group consists of millennials committed to creating a world without Alzheimer’s. Our events throughout the year will seek to engage our communities in and around the lower Hudson Valley in the fight against Alzheimer’s. This group is intended for those with a personal connection to the disease, as well as those who do not have a connection but would like to learn more and contribute in the fight against it. And on top of that, it can also serve as a support system for those who may have family members affected by the disease.
Simply put, the intent behind YPAC is greater millennial involvement in the cause. Via programs such as TrialMatch and fundraising opportunities through Walk to End Alzheimer’s and The Longest Day, our generation can be part of finding a cure. We want to galvanize young professionals to promote engagement. With aging Baby Boomers and a longer life expectancy, there is more of a chance that the younger population will be dealing with Alzheimer’s disease in their home.
I can say without hesitation that Alzheimer’s affects young professionals differently, and I can only hope that those who get involved are as excited as I am for the endless possibilities and impact we can have on the cause.
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Good Scout Award 2018
With great appreciation, at The Diversity Good Scout Award Breakfast as the Good Scout Honorees.
We are very happy to be part of a great cause!
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina. Episode 20
Do you or someone you know have an elderly parent or disabled family member?
If you answered yes, please watch our show, where we will be speaking with Henriette Kole, Vice President of Archcare Senior Life, a faith based organization that provides holistic care for people unable to fully care for themselves.
Tune in to learn more about these services and options available for eligible individuals.
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 20
Watch video on YouTube here:
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Forme Medical at the 2018 WMCHealth PPS Partner Summit & Quality Meeting
Yesterday, we had the honor of participating in the 2018 WMCHealth PPS Partner Summit & Quality Meeting; celebrating collaborations with the PPS DSRIP Program. Formé Medical Center was privileged to be one of the PPS Medical Neighborhoods working with an amazing team of committed, knowledgeable and focused individuals. Through their guidance and support, we accomplished recognition as a Level 3 Patient Centered Medical Home and continue to collaborate on innovative programs to address gaps in care in an effort to help the community in need. We would also like to thank Westchester Medical Center for providing the platform for us to share our “Medical Membership Program” for the uninsured. We look forward to collaborating on future projects and a continued partnership.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Medical Membership Info Session
Our Mission, Your Health!
Get to know all the benefits that our Medical Membership plans have!
Insured or not, we’ve got you covered.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Reflect And Reset With Maria & Gina. Episode 19
In this episode we had a special guest. Michelle Santiago and I spoke about our most recent accomplishments and all we have been working on, in preparation for Formé’s appreciation month.
“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom”. Marcel Proust.
Reflect And Reset With Maria & Gina Episode 19
Watch video on YouTube here:
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Reflect And Reset With Maria & Gina. Episode 18
When was your last visit to the dentist? Most of us avoid those necessary trips to the dentist because of excessive cost…But fortunately we have a solution.
Formé Medical Center has teamed up with Touro Dental College, to offer affordable dental treatments. We visited Touro Dental College in Hawthorne NY with the Vice Dean, Dr. Edward Farkas.
Learn about the wonderful resources available to you to ensure your good oral health!
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 18
Watch video on YouTube here:
Monday, 22 October 2018
Reflexiones con Maria El Poder de la Lectura
Watch video on YouTube here:
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Reflect and Reset With Maria & Gina. Episode 17
Did you ever imagine that you could name your own price for healthcare?
On this episode of Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina Dr. David Berman, Founder and CEO of Slingshot Health, talks about an innovative new company that lets you name your price for healthcare services.
Formé Medical Center and Slingshot have teamed up to bring you high-quality healthcare that won’t break the bank!
Learn how here!
Reflect and Reset With Maria & Gina Episode 17
Watch video on YouTube here:
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Risks of losing your Green Card for Receiving Some Public Benefits
By Lyda Marcela Tyburec, Esq,
The Trump Administration Officials announced on September 22, 2018, a new Executive Order with proposed changes to the definition of public charge as basis for denying admission, green cards and visas applications.
If this rule is implemented it would prevent immigrants from securing lawful permanent residence and would prevent them remaining with their families in the USA simply because they receive some type of health care support, nutrition assistance or other vital services.
When is this change going to be in effect?
The Order at this moment is only a proposal and it requires execution and implementation. It will take some weeks before the proposed Order goes into effect, but the public will have the opportunity to prevent the proposed Order from becoming law by submitting comments once the proposed Order is published in the Federal Register.
What are the proposed changes?
The proposed Order seeks to re-define and expand the list of programs that qualify as public charge. Some of the public benefits to be designated in this proposal are federal, state, local, or tribal cash assistance for income maintenance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid (with limited exceptions for Medicaid benefits paid for an “emergency medical condition,” and for certain disability services related to education), Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps), institutionalization for long-term care at government expense, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance, and Public Housing.
The first three benefits listed above are cash benefits that are covered under current policy.
What to do?
My recommendation is for individuals to get as informed as possible and seek legal advice before receiving public benefits to avoid possible future complications. It is important to understand that the proposed rule does not include some benefits that U.S. children are entitled to receive like prenatal care, WIC, or other health- or food-related benefits.
In addition, the public should be preparing to comment on this proposed Order and be ready to inform the administration that the implementation of this proposed Order will weaken our country by threatening the health and well-being of families around the country.
Lyda Marcela Tyburec, Esq,
Immigration Attorney
Phone: 347 446 4704
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 16
Watch video on YouTube here:
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina. Episode 16
October is breast cancer awareness month, so today we will be sharing information on cancer prevention resources that are available at no cost to the community. We will be joined by Lea Cassarino, the Director of the Cancer Services of the Hudson Valley, who will provide very important information about programs available and how to access them.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Talking Taboos: Cindy Barshop Wants Women to Love Intimacy Again
Cindy Barshop, former star of the Bravo series Real Housewives of New York City and the founder of the wildly successful Completely Bare spa, is once again tackling the taboos of women’s health and sexuality with her newest endeavor, VSPOT Medi-Spa.
Barshop describes VSPOT as “the place where science, sex, and strength come together.” She and her team of gynecologists specialize in non-surgical solutions for the things women never talk about, like vaginal dryness, looseness,painful sex and urinary leakage (incontinence). VSPOT
the authority on vaginal laser technology offers women a way to prevent and correct the problems that significantly impact their quality of life. In addition, the services help women to enhance sexual pleasure.
Since Barshop has a history of talking about the things that no one else will, we sat down to hear her uncensored story.
What inspired you to start VSPOT?
After my girls were born, things were different down there. I was treated with the FemiLift for vaginal dryness, looseness, and SUI (stress urinary incontinence) I didn’t expect much, but the results were incredible. It felt like I had found the fountain of youth for my V. I couldn’t believe I had never heard of it before, or known that there was such a simple solution.
Can you describe the FemiLift?
We insert a slender wand into your vagina, and its 360-degree rotating laser works to strengthen the muscles in your vaginal wall. It’s as simple as a pap smear, but it makes sex feel incredible again.
So, is VSPOT a place for mothers?
Yes—and everyone else. VSPOT is for all women of every age and lifestyle. We address—and correct—the issues that come along with childbirth, menopause, or even just getting older. Women experience these symptoms for so many reasons, including the medications they may be on. In fact, many of our clients are breast cancer survivors who come to VSPOT as an estrogen-free way to correct the effects of chemotherapy and medication on their vaginas.
If I’ve never had an issue with my V, what would I do at VSPOT?
So much! Services like the FemiLift are amazing and help so many women—but there’s the “fun” stuff, too. For example, women love the O-Shot. It’s a simple procedure that uses your own blood plasma, injected into the vagina, to enhance sexual pleasure and intensify orgasms for up to a year afterwards. There’s also the V-Steam, which I liked to describe as a luxe, aromatic “facial” for your vagina.
What are the treatments like?
They are quick, and easy. Faster than waiting for a latte, and you’ll feel better afterwards! There is no surgery, no downtime, no anesthesia and no pain. For FemiLift, we recommend a series of three ten-minute treatments, 4 weeks apart for optimal, long-lasting results.
What is VSPOT like?
It’s intimate and relaxing. It’s quiet and it’s confidential. Our goal is to create a unique and luxurious experience that improves your quality of life.
Who performs the treatment?
Female gynecologists, and pelvic floor Doctors including renowned Sexual Health Guru Dr. Carolyn Delucia, administer all of our treatments. We want women to feel relaxed and secure, and an all-female team is integral to this intimate experience.
What is your goal with VSPOT?
I want women to feel good. And, more than that, I want them to feel good about feeling good. This is a basic human right—and it’s time for women to claim what’s theirs.
Cindy Barshop
CEO & Founder
VSPOT Medi Spa
741 Madison Ave, Btwn 64th & 65th
New York, NY 10065
C: (917) 640-5950
O: (212) 988-1387
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 15
Watch video on YouTube here:
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 14
Watch video on YouTube here:
Monday, 17 September 2018
FORME Medical Center Wins the Westchester Community Care Award
September 17, 2018 – For Immediate Release
White Plains, New York -Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care is very proud to announce that they have been awarded with theWestchester Community Care Award sponsored by United Healthcare of New York. Formé Medical Center, was one of three finalists invited to present their project in front of the judges last Thursday, September 13th, at the Crowne Plaza in Downtown White Plains. The judges evaluated the project based on the following criteria such; community impact, creativity, and feasibility. Later that evening, Formé was awarded the $10,000 prize as the winner of this award which will fund their community project and continuing efforts.
“We want to thank United Healthcare and their representatives for this recognition. It is extremely gratifying to know that our efforts for the past few years to help our community through our affordable medical membership plans are being acknowledged and supported”, states Gina Cappelli, Founder and President of Formé.
“We would also like to send a special thank you to our team for the hard work and support for our mission! When you work hard together and believe in the mission… you will see the results”.
“Being chosen as the winner of such a prestigious award reinforces the fact that our mission to provide healthcare for the underserved and uninsured members of our community is an extremely powerful one”, said Maria Trusa, CEO of Formé Medical Center.
It is the mission of Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care to improve the health and well-being of community members by offering affordable, high-quality and compassionate healthcare to everyone, regardless of their culture and economic background.
“We have found the solution to many of the issues within the broken healthcare system. This award gives us fuel to continue to work hard to close the gap between the healthcare received by the affluent verses the underserved community,” Trusa said.
For more information contact:
Alejandra Chaparro
Public Relations
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Formé Medical Center Selected as Finalist for the Westchester Community Care Award
September 11, 2018 – Press Release
White Plains, New York -Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care has been selected as a finalist to receive the Westchester Community Care Award sponsored by United Healthcare of New York. United Health Care has created this award to support small businesses with innovative ideas helping people live healthier lives.
“It is truly an honor for us to be selected as a finalist for the United Healthcare Community Care Award. It is extremely gratifying to know that our efforts for the past few years in creating an innovative healthcare program for the uninsured and underserved community; is being recognized to this capacity”, says Maria Trusa, CEO of Formé.
It is the mission of Formé Medical Center to improve the health and well-being of community members by offering affordable, high-quality and compassionate healthcare to everyone, regardless of their culture and economic background.
“It was a refreshing surprise to realize that insurance companies like United are recognizing and supporting programs like the Formé Medical Membership which we have developed with the uninsured and undeserved community in mind. Through the membership, we are providing unlimited medical care starting at only $29.95 a month, as a result, making healthcare affordable.” states Gina Cappelli, President and Founder.
Gina Cappelli and Maria Trusa, are one of the top five finalists and will be presenting their innovative project in front of the judges on Thursday, September 13th, at the Crowne Plaza Downtown White Plains, 66 Hale Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601.
The winner will receive $10,000 prize to fund their community project and continued efforts.
For more information contact:
Alejandra Chaparro
Public Relations
Sesión informativa - Membresía Médica de Formé
Watch video on YouTube here:
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 13
“Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities“. -Patti Roberts.
Take a look at the most recent Facebook Live show Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina, where they talked about how to heal a broken heart. Thanks for watching!
Reflect and Reset Sept with Maria & Gina Episode 13
Watch video on YouTube here:
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Reflect And Reset With Maria & Gina – Episode 12
If you missed our Facebook Live show Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina last Monday, no worries… you can watch it here.Thanks for your comments, questions and support!
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina Episode 12
Watch video on YouTube here:
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina is back!!!
If you missed our Facebook Live show, Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina on Monday, no worries… you can watch it here. Thanks for your comments, questions and support!
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina - Episode 11
Watch video on YouTube here:
Monday, 23 July 2018
The Secrets To Long Lasting Beauty – Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina Ep. 10
Learn more about the latest beauty trends in a new episode of Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina!
Friday, 20 July 2018
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Un Asesino Silencioso – No Deje Que La Presión Arterial Alta Afecte Su Salud!
Los invitamos a ver las recomendaciones que Dr. Gary Midddleton tiene acerca de la importancia de cuidar nuestra presión arterial
Monday, 16 July 2018
The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery – Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina Ep.9
Learn more about Bariatric Surgery with special guest Dr. Arad, on a new episode of Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina!
Friday, 13 July 2018
Monday, 9 July 2018
Protecting Your Skin – Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina Ep.8
Learn more about how to protect your skin on a new episode of Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina, where they speak to special guest, Dermatologist Dr. Patel!
How To Eliminate Negativity – Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina Ep. 7
Learn some tips on how to properly eliminate negativity from your life on a new episode of Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina!
Friday, 6 July 2018
Protecting Your Skin - Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina Ep. 8
Watch video on YouTube here:
Friday, 29 June 2018
Monday, 11 June 2018
Friday, 25 May 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina - Episode 2
Watch video on YouTube here:
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina
Don’t miss our second show tomorrow at 9:30 am WVOX Radio.1460AM. Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina. We will be taking life calls!
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Monday, 21 May 2018
Reflect and Reset with Maria and Gina Ep 1
Watch video on YouTube here:
We are extremely excited to share with you our pilot episode of Reflect and Reset with Maria & Gina. Don’t forget to tune WVOX Radio 1460AM on Fridays at 9:30 am!
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Monday, 7 May 2018
Friday, 27 April 2018
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Thursday, 19 April 2018
CEO of Forme Medical Center, Maria Trusa, joins United Way of Westchester and Putnam Board of Directors
The United Way of Westchester and Putnam announced that Maria Trusa, CEO of Forme Medical Center and Urgent Care, has been appointed to its Board of Directors effective April 11th, 2018.
The mission of United Way of Westchester and Putnam is to provide stability and promise to the people and families of Westchester and Putnam who are living life from behind. Alana Sweeny, President and CEO of United Way said “Maria absolutely transformed Scarsdale Medical Practice, now one of the premier healthcare organizations in our Counties. And in Formé, she’s innovating brilliantly to bring quality healthcare, in a medical membership model, to the uninsured individuals and families in desperate need. She is no less than a perfect addition to our board.”
Maria was the Executive Director of the Scarsdale Medical Group, a successful multi-specialty medical practice in Westchester, NY. With a trajectory of 26 years at Scarsdale, she decided to venture out and join forces with her business partner Gina Cappelli at Formé Medical Center in an effort to assist others in need. As CEO, Maria stands proudly and tenaciously behind Formé Medical Center, a Social Enterprise practice that offers high-quality, dignified medical care to residents and undocumented immigrants of Westchester County and surrounding communities.
“What a privilege to be part of such an historic entity,” said Ms. Trusa, “ Just like Formé, United Way of Westchester and Putnam is working on the front edges of innovation to make a lasting impact on so many.”
After a year and a half of working on a Medical Membership Model, Maria and Gina Cappelli developed a medical membership concept comprised of three levels of care, which will allow thousands in our Counties to access quality preventative care. There are no co-pays, deductibles or additional payments required for these services. Says Ms. Trusa, “The Formé approach shapes to the lives of our patients, rather than asking patients to shape their lives around traditional and inaccessible forms of medical care.”
Transformé Tips - The Importance of Using Sunscreen
Watch video on YouTube here:
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Formé Members – Patient Portal Access Tutorial
Dear Formé Medical Center & Urgent Care Members, we invite you to take a look at this tutorial on how to navigate our patient portal. It’s a great alternative for you to access your medical information!
Formé Members - Patient Portal Access Tutorial
Watch video on YouTube here:
Formé Medical – Now A Patient Centered Medical Home
We are pleased to announce that Formé Medical Center & Urgent Care is now considered a Patient Centered Medical Home. We are grateful to everyone who supported and helped us earn this amazing recognition.
Miembros de Formé - Como Tener Acceso A Su Portal
Watch video on YouTube here:
Formé Medical - Now A Patient Centered Medical Home
Watch video on YouTube here:
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Our New Medical Membership Is Right For YOU!
Formé has designed a revolutionary Medical Membership with three different tiers that allows uninsured individuals have access to affordable, high-quality, dignified, transparent Health Care in a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility.
Contact our Representatives Paula Zorrilla and Vivian Velez for additional information!
Phone: 914-723-4900 Ext. 131
Si no tiene seguro médico esto es para usted!
Watch video on YouTube here:
Don't have Health Insurance? This is for YOU
Watch video on YouTube here:
Monday, 2 April 2018
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
First Time Home Buyers Seminar - March 24 12:00 -2:00
Watch video on YouTube here:
Monday, 19 March 2018
CEO María Trusa habla en La Mega
El pasado sábado 17 de marzo, nuestra CEO María Trusa visitó la estación de radio La Mega, para hablar acerca del evento para compradores de primera vivienda que se llevará a cabo el sábado 24 de marzo de 12:00 a 2:00 pm en Formé Medical.
Adicionalmente, haremos un GRAN anuncio que no se pueden perder!
Friday, 16 March 2018
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
La Prevención de Cáncer - La Importancia de Controles de Routina
Watch video on YouTube here:
Cancer Prevention - The Importance of Routine Check Ups
Watch video on YouTube here: