Cindy Barshop, former star of the Bravo series Real Housewives of New York City and the founder of the wildly successful Completely Bare spa, is once again tackling the taboos of women’s health and sexuality with her newest endeavor, VSPOT Medi-Spa.
Barshop describes VSPOT as “the place where science, sex, and strength come together.” She and her team of gynecologists specialize in non-surgical solutions for the things women never talk about, like vaginal dryness, looseness,painful sex and urinary leakage (incontinence). VSPOT
the authority on vaginal laser technology offers women a way to prevent and correct the problems that significantly impact their quality of life. In addition, the services help women to enhance sexual pleasure.
Since Barshop has a history of talking about the things that no one else will, we sat down to hear her uncensored story.
What inspired you to start VSPOT?
After my girls were born, things were different down there. I was treated with the FemiLift for vaginal dryness, looseness, and SUI (stress urinary incontinence) I didn’t expect much, but the results were incredible. It felt like I had found the fountain of youth for my V. I couldn’t believe I had never heard of it before, or known that there was such a simple solution.
Can you describe the FemiLift?
We insert a slender wand into your vagina, and its 360-degree rotating laser works to strengthen the muscles in your vaginal wall. It’s as simple as a pap smear, but it makes sex feel incredible again.
So, is VSPOT a place for mothers?
Yes—and everyone else. VSPOT is for all women of every age and lifestyle. We address—and correct—the issues that come along with childbirth, menopause, or even just getting older. Women experience these symptoms for so many reasons, including the medications they may be on. In fact, many of our clients are breast cancer survivors who come to VSPOT as an estrogen-free way to correct the effects of chemotherapy and medication on their vaginas.
If I’ve never had an issue with my V, what would I do at VSPOT?
So much! Services like the FemiLift are amazing and help so many women—but there’s the “fun” stuff, too. For example, women love the O-Shot. It’s a simple procedure that uses your own blood plasma, injected into the vagina, to enhance sexual pleasure and intensify orgasms for up to a year afterwards. There’s also the V-Steam, which I liked to describe as a luxe, aromatic “facial” for your vagina.
What are the treatments like?
They are quick, and easy. Faster than waiting for a latte, and you’ll feel better afterwards! There is no surgery, no downtime, no anesthesia and no pain. For FemiLift, we recommend a series of three ten-minute treatments, 4 weeks apart for optimal, long-lasting results.
What is VSPOT like?
It’s intimate and relaxing. It’s quiet and it’s confidential. Our goal is to create a unique and luxurious experience that improves your quality of life.
Who performs the treatment?
Female gynecologists, and pelvic floor Doctors including renowned Sexual Health Guru Dr. Carolyn Delucia, administer all of our treatments. We want women to feel relaxed and secure, and an all-female team is integral to this intimate experience.
What is your goal with VSPOT?
I want women to feel good. And, more than that, I want them to feel good about feeling good. This is a basic human right—and it’s time for women to claim what’s theirs.
Cindy Barshop
CEO & Founder
VSPOT Medi Spa
741 Madison Ave, Btwn 64th & 65th
New York, NY 10065
C: (917) 640-5950
O: (212) 988-1387
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