Thursday, 4 June 2020

¿Cómo mantener mi higiene postural durante la cuarentena?

¿Cómo mantener mi higiene postural durante la cuarentena?           

La higiene postural es la práctica más importante para prevenir lesiones en la columna vertebral; entérate cómo mantener una postura adecuada durante esta cuarentena.

Es posible que no muchas personas en el mundo estén familiarizadas con el término higiene postural, a menos que tengan o en algún momento hayan tenido relación con un profesional de la salud que haya manifestado la importancia de esta práctica, o hayan sufrido de alguna dolencia relacionada con este tema.

En términos generales la higiene postural es la correcta posición del cuerpo sea en estado estático o en movimiento, que  se encarga de evitar lesiones durante la realización de actividades diarias mediante la protección de la columna vertebral.

Es por eso que durante estos días de cuarentena por la crisis del coronavirus, en la que pasamos la mayor parte del tiempo en nuestras casas y hemos modificado desde los espacios laborales hasta los de esparcimiento, es aún más importante que antes tener en cuenta las adecuadas prácticas de higiene postural y así disminuir el riesgo de sufrir dolencias relacionadas con la columna.

En general es recomendable

  • No permanecer en la misma postura durante periodos prolongados
  • Descansar brevemente entre diferentes actividades
  •  Modificar su entorno de acuerdo a la necesidad

Pero aplicar  estas recomendaciones al interior del hogar por tiempo prolongado puede ser un poco complicado, por lo que Formé Medical Center & Urgent Care quiere compartir con sus lectores una serie de medidas que les permitirá analizar su postura y prácticas regulares en el dia a dia e implementar las que consideren pueden ser útiles.


  • Cuando se encuentre de pie

Es recomendable ubicar un pie ligeramente en frente del otro, en lo posible a una altura de y 10 cm sobre el suelo y cambiar la posición de manera constante, usar calzado cómodo, evitar caminar largas distancias con calzado de tacón alto, mantener la columna recta y de ser necesario ubicar los brazos a una altura que le permita apoyar sus codos.


Hágalo en una silla que le permita formar un ángulo de 90° con sus rodillas manteniendo los pies totalmente apoyados en el suelo y que conserve la curvatura natural de la columna; realizar estiramientos cada hora.

Si se encuentra sentado frente a un computador conservar una distancia de alrededor de 45 cm entre la pantalla y sus ojos, ubicar el teclado a la altura de sus codos y apoyar la columna de manera firme contra el respaldo de la silla; evite usar sillas blandas o sin respaldo .


  • Al levantarse

Para levantarse de una silla haga uso de los apoyabrazos en caso de tenerlos, de lo contrario concentre la fuerza en sus rodillas para impulsar su cuerpo hacia arriba, evite curvar su columna hacia el frente depositando la fuerza en la cintura.

Si pretende hacerlo de una cama, ubique su cuerpo de forma lateral, haga impulso con el brazo libre hasta quedar apoyado en el codo, haga un impulso adicional para sentarse en la cama y realice el mismo movimiento que al levantarse de una silla.


  •  Al realizar labores domésticas

Asegúrese de tener utensilios de la medida correcta para su cuerpo, nunca doble la columna con el fin  de alcanzar objetos por encima o debajo de su nivel, según sea el caso doble las rodillas o busque un elemento seguro para aumentar la altura de su cuerpo.

Una mala postura o la falta de cuidado al realizar movimientos repetitivos por tiempo prolongado, son los responsables de diferentes lesiones o enfermedades propias de la columna vertebral como escoliosis o hernias discales.

El síntoma principal de estas lesiones es el dolor, por lo que es recomendable que si presenta alguna dolencia que pueda ser relacionada con estas acuda a un médico que además de proveer con medicamentos para mitigar el dolor, le indique las prácticas adecuadas a su caso para disminuir el daño en la columna.

En formé Medical Care & Urgent Care entendemos el riesgo que representa para nuestros pacientes el desplazamiento a instalaciones médicas durante la crisis por el covid-19, por lo que los invitamos a hacer uso de los servicios de telemedicina que hemos dispuesto disminuir el flujo de pacientes en el centro de salud.

Después de pasar por una asistencia médica de manera remota, se indicará al paciente la pertinencia de dirigirse o no a un centro de salud que cuente con todos los protocolos de seguridad para continuar con el tratamiento y en caso de ser necesario se le proveerá con los medicamentos recetados a su domicilio.


Ante cualquier inquietud, comuníquese con nosotros al teléfono 914 723 4900 o ingrese a nuestra página web, donde encontrará diferentes opciones de contacto de acuerdo a su necesidad.


En Formé: ¡Nuestra misión, tu salud!


The post ¿Cómo mantener mi higiene postural durante la cuarentena? appeared first on Formé Medical Center.


How to maintain my postural hygiene during quarantine?

How to maintain my postural hygiene during quarantine?

Postural hygiene is the most important practice to prevent spinal injuries. Learn how to maintain proper posture during this quarantine.


Not many people in the world may be familiar with the term postural hygiene unless they have or, at some point, have had a relationship with a health care professional who has expressed the importance of this practice, or have suffered from some ailment related to this issue.

In general terms, postural hygiene is the correct position of the body either in a static or moving state, which is responsible for avoiding injuries during the performance of daily activities by protecting the spine.

That is why during these days of quarantine due to the coronavirus crisis, in which we spend most of our time in our homes and have modified from work spaces to recreational spaces, it is even more important than before to take into account the proper practices of postural hygiene; thus reducing the risk of spinal ailments.

The following items are generally advisable: 

•Do not remain in the same posture for extended periods of time

•Rest briefly between different activities

•Modify your environment according to the need

However, applying these recommendations at home for a long period of time can be a bit complicated.  Therefore, Formé Medical Center Urgent & Care wants to share with its readers, a series of measures that will allow them to analyze their posture and regular day-to-day practices; implementing those they consider to be useful.

1.When standing…
It is advisable to place one foot slightly in front of the other, as much as possible at a height of 10 cm above the ground changing the position steadily. Wear comfortable shoes, avoid walking long distances with high-heeled shoes, keep the spine straight and, if necessary, place the arms at a height that allows you to support your elbows.

2.When you are seated…
Use a chair that allows you to form a 90-degree angle with your knees and keep your feet fully rested on the ground, retaining the natural curvature of your spine. Stretch every hour.

If you are sitting in front of a computer, keep a distance of about 45 cm between the screen and your eyes.  Place the keyboard at the height of your elbows and rest the spine firmly against the back of the chair.  Avoid using soft or backless chairs.

3. When getting up…
When getting up from a chair, make use of the armrests if you have them.  Otherwise, concentrate the force on your knees to propel your body upwards.  Avoid bending your spine to the front by depositing the force at the waist.

If you intend to get up from a bed, place your body sideways, push with your free arm until you rest on your elbow.   Then, make an extra effort to sit in bed and repeat the same movement as when getting up from a chair.

4. When doing household chores…
Make sure you have utensils of the right size for your body. Never bend the spine in order to reach objects above or below your level. Depending on the chore, bend your knees or look for a safe object to elevate your body.

Poor posture or lack of care when performing repetitive movements for a long period of time are responsible for different spinal injuries or diseases such as scoliosis or herniated discs.

The main symptom of these injuries is pain. Therefore, it is recommended that if you have any ailments related to these, go to a doctor who, in addition to providing medication to alleviate pain, instructs you to follow appropriate practices to reduce spinal damage.

At Formé Medical Care & Urgent Care, we understand the risk posed to our patients by the inability to visit the medical facilities during the Covid-19 crisis. Therefore, we invite them to make use of the Telemedicine services that we have prepared to reduce the flow of patients in the health center.

After seeking medical care remotely, the patient will be informed whether or not to go to a health center which has all of the safety protocols to continue treatment and, if necessary, will provide them with the medications prescribed to their home.

If you have any concerns, please contact us at 914-723-4900 or visit our website, where you will find different contact options according to your need.

At Formé: Our mission, your health!

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Wednesday, 20 May 2020

What is an antibody test?

What is an antibody test?

With a quick test, you will be able to identify if you have been infected with Covid-19 and generated antibodies that allow you to fight the disease.

Since Coronavirus was declared a pandemic by WHO, governments in different countries around the world have embarked on a race against time to identify a cure or treatment for the disease that has now claimed more than 62,000 lives. Although a cure has not been found, multiple measures have been taken in parallel with the studies to control the virus. But over time, there are more questions that have  developed.

What was the origin of the disease? What is its mortality rate? and how to avoid infection? are among the many questions while others are directly related to the symptoms and availability of diagnostic testing available in the market.

Currently, there are 3 types of tests that can be performed to diagnose Coronavirus, PCR and two rapid tests. One performed by drawing a sample of blood and the others by means of a respiratory sample. PCR, or Polymerase Chain Reaction, is a laboratory test that involves subjecting a saliva/mucosa sample of the patient to extreme temperatures to detect the presence of the pathogen or microorganism that causes the disease.

Rapid tests, as the name implies, identify the virus in less time than PCR and can detect antibodies or antigens of the virus, depending on the sample with which they are performed.

Now what is an antibody?

It is a protein produced by the immune system when a harmful substance such as bacteria, fungi or viruses is detected in the body among others.

And what’s the difference of an antigen?

The antigen plays the role of a foreign or harmful substance that triggers the immune system’s protective reaction.

This is where the antibody test comes into play.  A blood test that identifies whether a person was infected with COVID-19 and their system has developed antibodies that allowed them to fight the infection. Although this test allows the identification of the virus only when it has already been present in the patient’s system, there is the possibility of a cross-reaction with other coronaviruses, since between 15% and 30% of common colds are caused by a less aggressive species of the same virus. However, this test becomes a crucial tool during the current crisis.

First, it will allow you to be more certain about the number of people, who may or may not have developed symptoms, who have been infected with the virus and, thus establish a pattern of spreading the disease.  In addition, the characteristics of those who developed sufficient antibodies to fight the infection will be able to be studied.

Since last Friday, April 24, Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care has enabled a Coronavirus Testing Center aimed at vulnerable people, undocumented immigrant community and the uninsured population.  Eliminating barriers that limit access to health and laboratory testing at affordable prices for all. For the cost of only $45 plus a laboratory fee, you will be able to know if you have been infected and/or developed antibodies to combat COVID-19.

Access is very easy! Call Formé at 914-723-4900, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and schedule an appointment Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.  Within 2-3 days after the exam, a Formé member will contact you with your results and recommendations for care and precautions depending on the results.

If you have health insurance, call us to schedule your appointment. Medical membership members, this test is covered for you. The only cost to you is the laboratory fee which will be sent to you directly by the lab.  

At Formé: Our mission, your health!

The post What is an antibody test? appeared first on Formé Medical Center.


¿Qué es una prueba de anticuerpos?

¿Qué es una prueba de anticuerpos?

         Con una prueba rápida usted podrá identificar si ha estado contagiado con el Covid-19 y ha generado anticuerpos que le permitieron combatir la enfermedad .

Desde que el coronavirus fue declarado pandemia por la OMS, los gobiernos de diferentes países alrededor del mundo se embarcaron en una carrera contra el tiempo para identificar una cura o tratamiento para la enfermedad que a la fecha ha cobrado más de 62 mil vidas. Aunque no se ha logrado encontrar una cura, paralelo a los estudios se han adoptado múltiples medidas con el fin de controlar el virus, pero con el paso del tiempo son más los interrogantes que se desarrollan alrededor.

¿Cuál fue el origen de la enfermedad? ¿cuál es su tasa de mortalidad? Y ¿cómo evitar el contagio? son entre otras dudas, frecuentes, pero muchas otras están directamente relacionadas con los síntomas y la disponibilidad de pruebas de diagnóstico disponibles en el mercado.

Hay actualmente 3 tipos de pruebas que se pueden realizar para diagnosticar el Coronavirus, la prueba PCR y dos test rápidos, uno realizado en sangre y otro por medio de una muestra respiratoria; la PCR o reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, es una prueba de laboratorio que consiste en someter una muestra de saliva y mucosa del paciente a temperaturas extremas para detectar la presencia del patógeno o microorganismo que causa la enfermedad.

Los test rápidos, pueden como su nombre lo indica, identificar el virus en menor tiempo que la PCR y pueden detectar anticuerpos o antígenos del virus, dependiendo de la muestra con la que se realicen.

Ahora bien ¿qué es un anticuerpo?

Es una proteína producida por el sistema inmune cuando se detecta en el cuerpo una sustancia dañina como bacterias, hongos o virus entre otros.

Y ¿cuál es la diferencia con un antígeno?

El antígeno cumple el papel de sustancia extraña o dañina que desencadena la reacción de protección del sistema inmune.

Es aquí donde entra en juego la prueba de anticuerpos, un análisis de sangre que permite identificar si una persona estaba infectada con el Covid-19 y su sistema ha desarrollado anticuerpos que le permitieron combatir la infección; si bien esta prueba permite la identificación del virus solo cuando ya ha estado presente en el sistema del paciente, existe la posibilidad de una reacción cruzada de otros coronavirus, ya que entre el 15% y el 30% de los resfriados comunes son causados por especies menos agresivas del mismo virus; aun así, esta prueba se convierte en una herramienta crucial durante la actual crisis.

En primer lugar, permitirá tener más certeza en cuanto al número de personas, que pueden o no haber presentado síntomas, que han sido infectadas con el virus y así establecer un patrón de esparcimiento de la enfermedad, además se podrán estudiar las carácteristicas de aquellos que desarrollaron anticuerpos suficientes para ser combatir la infección.

Desde el pasado viernes 24 de abril, Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care habilitó un centro de análisis de coronavirus dirigido a la población vulnerable, comunidad inmigrante indocumentada o población sin seguro, en el que se eliminan las barreras que limitan el acceso a la salud y pruebas de laboratorio a precios asequibles para todos; por solo $45 dólares más la tarifa de laboratorio, usted podrá conocer si ha sido infectado y desarrollado anticuerpos para combatir el Covi-19.

Acceder es muy fácil, comuníquese al 914 723 4900 las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana y programe una cita de lunes a viernes entre las 9:00 am a 5:00 pm. Entre 2 y 3 días después del examen, un integrante de Formé se comunicará con usted para darle el resultado de su prueba y recomendaciones de cuidado y precaución de acuerdo al mismo.

Si usted cuenta con seguro médico, llámenos para programar su cita, pero recuerde que esta prueba está cubierta por su afiliación. El único costo para usted es la tarifa de laboratorio que será enviada directamente por el laboratorio.

En Formé: ¡Nuestra misión, tu salud!

The post ¿Qué es una prueba de anticuerpos? appeared first on Formé Medical Center.




Learn about the difference between the terms quarantine, isolation, social distancing, and the steps you can take inside your home to safeguard your health and that of your family.

After almost two months since the Coronavirus Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic by WHO, mitigation measures remain based on decreased contact among the public.  Terms such as isolation, quarantine and social distancing became the workhorse of the entire government. But what do they mean?


It applies to people who have been exposed to the virus but have not been diagnosed with it. This measure is mainly applied so that during the incubation period of the disease or manifestation of symptoms, there is no risk of infection to other people. It can usually be done autonomously inside the home with constant monitoring of symptoms.


The isolation measure applies to those people who have been diagnosed with the virus or a contagious disease.  It consists of the separation of the individual from everyone until the contagious state is over.  Without a doubt, this measure is the most rigorous.  Therefore, it is carried out inside hospitals or clinics that have all the necessary elements to maintain the safety of the space used for this purpose.

Social Distancing:

Finally, as recommended by the WHO, we can say that the social distancing measure has been the easiest to implement and most effective in controlling the virus.  Aside from social, it could be called physical distancing as it involves maintaining a considerable space (about 2 meters) between you and others, avoiding group meetings or mass attendance activities.

So far, these measures are the most effective as the virus is a respiratory disease that is transmitted by droplets from the nose or mouth of an infected person.  Its miniscule size can be inhaled and housed in the lungs during an incubation period of 14 days, at which time symptoms develop.

Self-quarantine consists of taking the measures mentioned above and developing them voluntarily.  If you are wondering what the guidelines can help, Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care, with their strong desire to care for the health of the community, shares some tips that you can implement during the Coronavirus crisis.

  1. Stay at home

Avoid leaving your home for activities that are not of primary necessity (i.e. leave only for medical care or to stock up on food). If possible, request that it is taken to your home.  Avoid public transport and crowds.

  1. Keep distance even in your home

Apply the social distancing measure inside of your home and if possible, do not share toiletries.

  1. Contact your healthcare provider

Depending on your situation, report that you have been in contact with a person who is infected or simply doing self-quarantine and will be monitoring your symptoms.  Request a list of alarming factors on which you should react.

  1. Maintain good hygiene practices

Washing your hands more often, using anti-bacterial gel and using gloves, even inside the house, are some practices that could help.  Additionally, cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing with the back of your elbow or with a disposable handkerchief that should be placed immediately into a closed container.

  1. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

The virus can survive for days on some surfaces, so it is not advisable to rub your hands on any mucous membranes.

  1. Avoid visits

This applies both in doing and receiving them. Do not allow anyone in your home who does not live with you, since you do not know for sure the precautions that other people are taking in their homes.

  1. Take care of the vulnerable population

It is well known that children, adults over 60 years of age or people suffering from immunodeficiency diseases, constitute a population group vulnerable to the virus. If a person in their home is part of this group, exercise the measures and even consider voluntary isolation.

  1. Name a responsible adult

If you live with multiple people, designate one in charge of purchases or errands that cannot be made virtually. Make sure that you are not part of the vulnerable population and that you comply with all measures when leaving home.  Once you return, disinfect yourself and wash the clothes used immediately.

These are some of the measures you can implement inside your home.  While it may seem extreme, remember that the disease has taken over 3,781,000 lives in the world and to date no antidote has been found for the disease.  Nonetheless, even if the peak of contagious cases decreases, our behavioral habits will need to be modified until a cure is found.

If you believe that you may be infected with the COVID-19 virus, a test can be performed at Formé. 

Please call 914-723-4900 and schedule an appointment. A Formé member will contact you to give you the results of your test 2-3 days after the exam with care and precaution recommendations depending on your results.


 At Formé: Our mission, your health!


The post HOW TO PERFORM AN EFFECTIVE QUARANTINE? appeared first on Formé Medical Center.


Cómo realizar una auto cuarentena efectiva?

Cómo realizar una auto cuarentena efectiva?

         Conozca la diferencia entre los términos cuarentena, aislamiento y distanciamiento social y entérese de las medidas que puede implementar al interior de su hogar para salvaguardar su salud y la de su familia.

Después de casi dos meses de que el Coronavirus Covid-19 haya sido declarado pandemia por la OMS, las medidas de mitigación siguen siendo basadas en la disminución del contacto de las personas, por lo que términos como aislamiento, cuarentena o distanciamiento social se convirtieron en el caballo de batalla de gobiernos enteros, pero ¿qué significan?


Esta aplica para las personas que han estado expuestas al virus pero que no han sido diagnosticadas con el mismo. Esta medida es principalmente aplicada con el fin de que durante el periodo de incubación de la enfermedad o manifestación de los síntomas no se corra el riesgo de contagio a otras personas; generalmente se puede realizar de forma autónoma al interior del hogar con un monitoreo constante de síntomas.


La medida de aislamiento aplica para esas personas que han sido diagnosticadas con el virus o con alguna enfermedad contagiosa; consiste en la separación del individuo del resto de su núcleo hasta una vez la etapa de contagio ha sido superada. Esta medida es sin lugar a dudas la más rigurosa por lo que se realiza al interior de hospitales o clínicas que cuentan con todos los elementos necesarios para mantener la inocuidad del espacio utilizado para tal fin.

Distanciamiento social:

Por último podemos decir que la medida de distanciamiento social ha sido la principal a la hora de controlar el virus, ya que además de ser recomendada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud es de fácil implementación. Más que social se podría llamar distanciamiento físico, ya que consiste en mantener un espacio considerable (alrededor de 2 metros) entre usted y las demás personas, evitar reuniones grupales o actividades de asistencia masiva.

Estas medidas son hasta el momento las más efectivas, toda vez que el virus es una enfermedad respiratoria que se transmite por medio de gotículas provenientes de la nariz o boca de una persona contagiada y que por su tamaño micrómetro pueden ser inhaladas y alojadas en los pulmones durante un periodo de incubación de 14 días, momento en el que se manifiestan síntomas.

Ahora bien, la auto cuarentena consiste en tomar las características de las medidas mencionadas con anterioridad y desarrollarlas de manera voluntaria, por lo que si se está preguntando cuáles son las pautas para realizarla, Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care en el afán de velar por la salud de la comunidad, comparte algunos tips que puede implementar durante la crisis del coronavirus.

  1.   Permanezca en casa

Evite salir de su domicilio para realizar actividades que no sean de primera necesidad, es decir, salga solo para obtener atención médica o para abastecerse de alimentos, en lo posible solicite que le sean llevados a su casa, evite el transporte público y las aglomeraciones.

  1.   Mantenga distancia aún en su hogar

Aplique la medida de distanciamiento social al interior de su casa y en lo posible no comparta elementos de aseo.

  1.   Comuníquese con su proveedor de salud

Dependiendo de cuál sea su situación informe que ha estado en contacto con una persona contagiada o simplemente que está realizando auto cuarentena y estará monitoreando sus síntomas, solicite una lista de los factores de alarma sobre los cuales debería reaccionar.

  1.   Mantenga buenas prácticas de higiene

Lavarse las manos con más frecuencia, utilizar gel antibacterial, utilizar tapabocas y guantes aun dentro de la casa son algunas prácticas que podrían ayudar; adicionalmente cubra su boca y nariz al estornudar o toser con el reverso del codo o con un pañuelo desechable que debe ser tirado de manera inmediata en un contenedor con tapa.

  1.   Evite tocar sus ojos, nariz y boca

El virus puede sobrevivir durante días en algunas superficies, por lo que no es recomendable frotar sus manos sobre órganos mucosos.

  1.   Evite las visitas

Esto aplica tanto hacerlas como recibirlas, no permita en su hogar una persona que no viva con usted, ya que no se puede saber a ciencia cierta los cuidados que otras personas están tomando en sus hogares.

  1.   Cuide la población vulnerable

Es bien sabido que los niños y mayores de 60 años o personas que sufran enfermedades inmunodeficientes, constituyen un grupo poblacional vulnerable al virus, si una persona en su casa hace parte de este grupo, extreme las medidas e incluso considere la posibilidad de realizar aislamiento voluntario.

  1.   Nombre un adulto responsable

Si vive con varias personas, designe a una encargada de realizar las compras o de las diligencias que no se puedan realizar de manera virtual, asegúrese de que no haga parte de la población vulnerable y que cumpla con todas las medidas a la hora de salir de casa; una vez regrese realice actividades de desinfección y lave la ropa utilizada para salir de manera inmediata.

Estas son algunas de las medidas que puede implementar al interior de su hogar, si bien pueden parecer extremas, recuerde que la enfermedad ha cobrado en el mundo más de 3.781.000 vidas, que a la fecha no se ha encontrado un antídoto para la enfermedad y que aunque el pico de contagios disminuya, nuestros hábitos de comportamiento deberán ser modificados hasta una vez se encuentre una cura.

Si usted considera que puede estar contagiado del virus covid-19, en Formé puede realizarse una prueba, solo debe comunicarse al 914 723 4900 y programar una cita; entre 2 y 3 días después del examen, un integrante de Formé se comunicará con usted para darle el resultado de su prueba y recomendaciones de cuidado y precaución de acuerdo al mismo.

En Formé: ¡Nuestra misión, tu salud!

The post Cómo realizar una auto cuarentena efectiva? appeared first on Formé Medical Center.


Thursday, 23 April 2020

Formé prepares its medical center to test for Coronavirus

Formé Medical Center has managed to implement a Coronavirus Testing Center which removes barriers that limit access to the undocumented immigrant community ensuring access to laboratory testing.

For the past 4 years, Formé Medical Center & Urgent Care has fulfilled its mission of caring for and providing dignified, high-quality medical care to America’s least-favored immigrant population. A mission that despite the difficulties which the Coronavirus crisis has generated in the country especially in New York, we have not abandoned. That is why, during the moment that our community needs it most, we continue to create new strategies that allow us to improve the health and well-being of this vulnerable population.

Telemedicine was the first tool we implemented when we were forced by the circumstances to close our medical center, but we reinvented ourselves and started offering a quality service available to everyone in a virtual way.

Thankfully, we have been fortunate enough to serve hundreds of people of different nationalities, ethnicities and socioeconomic status.  Nonetheless, we noticed that of approximately 300 calls we received a day, 90% were from people who claimed to have symptoms of Coronavirus or who had been in contact with a person who had been infected and needed to be tested.

At that time, the members of the Formé team understood the fear facing the Hispanic community in relation to the COVID-19 topic.  It is the lack of information and, in many cases, the lack of education which leads them to panic accompanied by an unsteady immigration status, forcing them to stay in their homes or rooms without any medical monitoring or health control allowing them to be calm and safe.  Therefore, the implementation of a plan that would allow us to remove language and economic barriers became increasingly pressing.

According to Worldmeters, 46,249 Coronavirus deaths have been reported in the United States to date.  In New York State alone, 34% of 11,000 of those deaths belonged to the Hispanic community resulting in the death of 3,740 Latinos. Surely, hundreds of them did not seek medical help because of the risk posed by their illegal status.

While the National Government has implemented measures to stop the deportations of illegal immigrants in the country and USCIS calling upon all those with coronavirus-like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) to seek the necessary medical treatment or prevention services, the challenge facing the Hispanic community is great and, in many cases, impossible.

Therefore, Formé Medical Center has managed to put into place a Coronavirus Testing Center in which the above mentioned barriers are removed; guaranteeing access to laboratory testing which will work as follows.

  1. Contact us at 914-723-4900.  This line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with bilingual operators available to attend you in Spanish or English.  During the call, you will be asked questions about your current symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, cough, difficulty breathing, headache, loss of smell or taste, among many others.
  2. Schedule an appointment for testing.  It is important to note that due to WHO recommendations, we will not be able to receive more than 5 people at one time.  Priority will be given to people attending by scheduled appointment ONLY between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  3. You DO NOT need a vehicle to take the test, you can reach the medical center by public transportation and travel through the pedestrian crossings arranged for the people who will be tested.
  4. Individuals who do not have health insurance coverage shall pay the minimum cost of the test which is $25, plus the laboratory fee.
  5. Within 2 to 3 days after testing, a Formé member will contact you with the results of your test and provide recommendations for care along with any necessary precautions dependent on the result.

This testing option is to give this vulnerable population a peace of mind. The pandemic is a public health issue so the priority is the care of the sick, not the identification or prosecution of illegal immigrants in the country.

We invite all those who need help to call us and find a solution to your specific case.  Remember that Formé Medical Center & Urgent Care has a non-profit organization that seeks to ensure access to medical care and medications for this population at risk.  If you need help, go to and tell us about your case. For those who wish to help us in our mission, please go to the same website and make a donation for the care of hundreds of people who need it.

At Formé, our mission is your health!



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Watch video on YouTube here:

Monday, 13 April 2020

A big mistake when it comes to pursuing goals

A big mistake when it comes to pursuing goals: many people pursue short, middle, and long-term goals with the same physical and mental intensity. The reason this is a big mistake is because goals should build onto one another, not be approached as separate endeavors.

For example, here’s what a goal breakdown could look like:

  • Long-term goal: lose 30 pounds
  • Middle-term goal: lose 15 pounds
  • Short-term goal: lose 5 pounds

What you have to do to lose 30 pounds may be very different than what you have to do lose 5 pounds. And the length it takes you to lose 30 pounds will certainly be different than the length it takes you to lose 5. As such, much of your focus should be on the short-term.

You only have so much mental and physical energy

You have a physical and mental energy tank, and once that runs out, you’ll feel like crud. Think about how you feel after a long, laborious day. Your body feels ground up like minced beef. Think about how you feel after a long, mentally exhausting day. Your mind feels ground up like minced chicken. Think about if you have a physically and mentally taxing day. Your mind feels like beef and chicken fried rice.

Eating well and training hard use up your mental energy and are not the only things you have going on in your life (at least if you’re reading this email – I normally don’t target people who get paid to be fit). You have other things going on, which means they’re all competing for those same physical and mental energy levels that you have to use to eat well and train.

When it comes down to it, you have to decide where you’re going to divert and invest your energy. On some days, you may feel you can train hard and not have it interfere with other stuff. On other days, training is the last thing you’re able to do. And because of this process, you can’t treat a long-term goal the same way as a short-term one, because the long-term goal should be separated from the day-to-day operations.

This is much easier said than done, because some people want to train hard. They want to eat well. They want to lead a healthier, fitter lifestyle, so when life hits them and they can’t, they feel awfully guilty and ashamed. This is the type of destructive mindset you want to leave behind. Guilt and shame also sap your energy, and much, much faster than a school project.

Delineate your goalsDon’t treat them all the same way. Differentiate the level of focus.

Most importantly, understand your long-term goal is supposed to be vague and far away, like a mountain off in the distance. The size should be imposing, intimidating, yet you know there’s a road that leads to it. Your ultimate long-term goals shouldn’t be achieved in a year, not even three. In fact, you can see your ultimate long-term goals as lifelong goals:

  1. To be as healthy as possible as you age.
  2. To maintain the highest quality of life possible.
  3. To let being healthy be part of who you are and support you in your endeavors.

If exercising, eating well, and living a healthy lifestyle don’t support the three above long-term goals, there’s no reason for you to engage in them. Doing a transformation challenge just to revert back to your old habits is a waste of your time, energy, and money. If you’re going to be the same in the end, you might as well do something you mentally buy in to and enjoy.

I hope this email was helpful for you. Let me know if you have any questions.

Yours truLEE in strength,


P.S. Are you ready to take the next step towards your fitness and health goals? If so, here are three ways I can help you or others. It all starts with a complimentary call.

Get maximum results working privately
Based on my experience helping people reach their ultimate transformations, there’s no better way to guarantee the best results than to personalize the experience and choose the methods that suit the wants and needs of the client. Working 1-on-1 assures maximum results and the best personalized experience.

Get personalized attention and programming in a group setting
Experience great results through a personalized plan while training alongside other like-minded individuals. By taking advantage of a team mentality, you’ll be more motivated, pushed, and the training could be more fun.

Get critical nutrition support
Many know how important nutrition is for helping you achieve your goals. If you feel nutrition is something you or someone else can use help with, consider working with me to craft up your personalized nutrition plan.


Reflexiones Con Maria, Impacto de la pandemia en los negocios

Watch video on YouTube here:

Saturday, 11 April 2020



It is no secret that the Coronavirus is currently the issue that dominates the news worldwide. Something totally understandable for what OMS says is a pandemic, thus defined according to its rapid spread around the globe.

Uncertainty is the feeling that surely takes over many patients and health workers, as the numbers of people who have been infected and those who have lost their lives to the virus are continuously updated.  As we write this article, there are more than 842,000 contagious cases in the world and 41,000 deaths in the world. Just in the United States, there are more than 180,000 contagious cases and 3,577 deaths from the same virus. These figures, provided by, place the United States in first place due to the number of contagious cases followed by Italy, Spain and China, where the disease originated.

This virus requires that we take specific precautions with our hygiene practices to avoid being infected.  It is highly recommended that the following practices are adhered to: frequent hand washing, use of antibacterial gel, avoidance of touching the mouth, nose and eyes, covering the mouth with the inside of the arm or tissues when coughing or sneezing and specifically social distancing.

This latest measure, which has been applied globally, has raised other types of questions in people.  Many associated with the economy, but even more pressing ones associated with healthcare during the pandemic for reasons that may or may not be associated with the virus.

Due to this, many medical practices have been implementing telemedicine, an alternative that allows us to offer quality care to our patients without exposing them to the risk posed by contact with others suffering from various diseases.

Fortunately, we currently have multiple technological tools that allow us to sustain effective communication with our patients, whether by video calls, phone calls, text messages or emails among other tools;  giving us the opportunity to minimize risks while monitoring chronically ill patients, providing ailment consultations or even identifying an early case of coronavirus.

While this consultation methodology may pose difficulties for some of our patients, it is important to note that for Formé Medical Center, it is a priority to ensure the care of our patients, but most of all the consideration of their protection.  Given the circumstances, remote care is currently the only tool available to provide care for them.

There is no standard that can or should be applied to telemedicine, which means that each medical practice must be adapted according to its need.  Acting in tune with our mission, “We believe that everyone has the right to affordable, dignified and high-quality health care, regardless of their cultural and economic background” which is why, in addition to, maintaining “compassionate and high quality healthcare”, we offer all our services and consultations with Spanish-speaking physicians that guarantee the best care to all our patients.


Remember that while you must stay at home, it is necessary to develop certain healthy lifestyle habits to strengthen your immune system, including:

1. Creating an eating plan according to your healthcare needs.

2. Avoiding overconsumption of simple carbohydrates.

3. Establishing an exercise routine at home.

4. Being attentive to any changes in your health and/or new symptoms.


The main goal of implementing these consultation strategies is to decrease the flow of patients in the health center which can increase the health risks of many others who continue to work for the well-being of the community.

After the process of telemedicine, the patient will be informed if they should proceed to a health center to continue treatment.

In case of any concerns, please contact us at 914-723-4900 or visit our website at, where you will find the option to contact our virtual receptionist by means of a video call.


At Formé: Our mission, your health!

